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Galerie Graff

Madeleine Forcier

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Current exhibition

After thirty-seven years of physical presence in Montreal – on the Plateau Mont-Royal for the most part and, more recently, in the downtown area – galerie Graff is now moving online! Fundamental changes in today’s art world and market have shifted the focus away from galleries as places for artists, art dealers, connoisseurs, collectors and art critics meet, towards curated group events, as well as web-based sales and distribution platforms.
In this changing environment, we prefer to focus on plasticity, dynamism, mobility and flexibility as our main promotion tools, as opposed to a traditional Brick-and-Mortar gallery. And so, Graff will continue disseminating contemporary art sans gallery, with project-specific collaborations and partnerships and through various online resources and tools. Starting mid-July, our whole new website will be accessible via its former address graff.ca.
Rest assured that Graff will keep providing consulting services for collectors as it has for the past thirty years, as well as access to a permanent inventory of works, and expertise in art appraisal for donations or other purposes.
For the past five years I have had the pleasure of working with Alexandre Payer, a skillful and professional assistant; an exceptional graphic designer, writer, translator, technician and appraiser whom I look forward to collaborating with on many projects. I would also like to thank the artists for putting their trust in me, as well as everyone, collaborators, friends who have directly or indirectly contributed galerie Graff’s vision, for the better part of these last four decades.
We look forward to seeing you again in future projects, and online.

Madeleine Forcier
June 21, 2017

All the versions of this article: ⟨English⟩ français


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